Hi, I'm trying to run one of the scripts I found in your GIT Repository, along with the configuration file.
However, I am running into the following error:
You open a platform session using the default value of the signon_control parameter (signon_control=True).
In future library version v2.0, this default will be changed to False.
If you want to keep the same behavior as today, you will need to set the signon_control parameter to True either in the library configuration file
({'sessions':{'platform':{'your_session_name':{'signon_control':true}}}}) or in your code where you create the Platform Session.
These alternative options are already supported in the current version of the library.
my Config files:
The second link below, is the script I'm trying to run. The Search.ipynb
1. Example.DataLibrary.Python/Configuration at lseg-data-examples · LSEG-API-Samples/Example.DataLibrary.Python · GitHub
2. Example.DataLibrary.Python/Examples/1-Access/EX-1.01.06-Search.ipynb at lseg-data-examples · LSEG-API-Samples/Example.DataLibrary.Python · GitHub