We have tried two approaches to get daily prices for bonds .We need daily prices for around 5k bonds and use ISIN to fetch the price related fields. We break down the 5k ISNIs into batches of 200 and send sequential requests one after the other. We start running the request from 12 am of each day . Below are the two approaches we tried
It seems approach 1 (without date filter) for 200 ISINs takes around 40 seconds on an average and it also fails occasionally (sometimes requests take an hour to respond back, which might be an exception in most cases).
At the same time approach 2 (with date filter) for 200 ISINs takes around 20 seconds on an average and chances of failure are less.
Does approach 1 involve more processing at the server side to make it slower and less reliable than the approach 1?
Is approach 2 a better way than approach 1 ? Is there a better more reliable approach to get daily prices for bonds using ISIN?
API logs from both approach