I'm getting this status (429) back when I hit https://api.thomsonreuters.com/permid/calais many times quickly in succession. How many requests per minute can I make?
Resolver not registered: react.asset.discussionTagsAsset
According to the information from the product team, the registered users have two limitations:
In your case, it could be the second limitation. If the client sends more than one request per second, it will get the error 429.
Hi Bob, free accounts are allowed to upload up to 5,000 documents a day. If you exceed this quota in a minute that might be the issue. Do you know how many requests you issue?
Thanks for the quick reply.
There is no way I am exceeding 5000 documents in a minute. Or in a day, for that matter. I'm still getting those 429s for about half, however. Could there be another issue?
@jirapongse.phuriphanvichai I'm also getting 429 responses back, but I'm also skeptical that I've hit the upper limit of 5000 requests/day since I'm only testing and by my estimates I've made maybe 500 requests tops - hard to know because I wasn't logging requests on my end during development as I assumed I'd never hit the limits. I'm definitely limiting calls to one per second at most.
Is there any place we can see a log of queries used by our API keys?
I've done some more testing and can verify that for whatever reason I'm getting 429 responses back after way fewer than 5000 requests (maybe 50 max).
Have the rate limits changed? Do I need a different API key (I'm using the same one I got for use with the Open Perm ID API)?
Permission Problem You need the session.valid permission to do that.