Client raised a question. I have a question, I built a C# tool that was able to Open the refinitiv eikon quote window, if i supplied it a RIC. See code below. I now was switched to Workspace. What would be the equivalent in here to
"reuters://REALTIME/verb=Chart/ric=AAPL.OQ" ? What would be the equivalent to open a chart window fo rthe current session on the level tick?
// Reuters flags and URL
string flags = "-iebrg -a";
string reutersUrl = "";
if ("QUOTE".Equals(reutersCommand.ToUpper()))
reutersUrl = $"reuters://REALTIME/verb=FullQuote/ric={symbol}";
else if ("CHART".Equals(reutersCommand.ToUpper()))
//reutersUrl = $"reuters://REALTIME/verb=Chart/ric={symbol}?range=2D&interval=tick";
reutersUrl = $"reuters://REALTIME/verb=Chart/ric={symbol}&range=2D";
// Combine flags and URL as a single argument string
string arguments = $"{flags} \"{reutersUrl}\"";
// Start the process with the executable and arguments
ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo
FileName = reutersExe, // Full path to Reuters executable
Arguments = arguments, // Arguments passed to the executable
UseShellExecute = false, // Required for explicit executable start
CreateNoWindow = true, // Optional: prevent creating a new console window
// Start the process
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