Normally, it will reconnect using emaj as shown in the follwing capture.
However, I don't know what happened yesterday. There is no logs, it just can't receive data(Foreign exchange).
Hello @Raj.Huang
The error “Network is unreachable: no further information”seemed that there was a network problem at that time. The problem made EMAapplication could not connect to the server so the server could not send datato the application. I suggest you should contact your company’s network team toinvestigate the network between the application to the server.
Thanks for your answer. I know the error 'Network is uncreachabke....', that is the normal error, I did it intentionlly. But at 10:46 yesterday, there are no logs like that. And it didn't reconnect itself, it just no data antmore util I restart my application.
I suggest you set XmlTraceToStdout to 1 in EmaConfig.xmllocated in the application’s run directory. For example:
<Consumer> <Name value="Consumer_1"/> ... <XmlTraceToStdout value="1"/></Consumer>
This will enable EMAtraces its messages (received and sent messages) in XML format to stdout. When the problem occurs again, we can check in the log messages what happens.
If you enable it successfully, you should see a refresh message sent from the server that EMA traces. For example:
Thanks! But I don't use EmaConfig.xml to config my application. I just use the default configuration.
OmmConsumerConfig config = EmaFactory.createOmmConsumerConfig(); + ":" + sourcePort);config.username(sourceUserName);
Is there any Java config ? like