Why when I extrac data from trace viewer using Excel add in and python Api does not update at real time. I already have permission for live time data.
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@gabriel.esquivel01Sorry for the delay in response. I'm afraid at this point it's not possible to go back to the example you provided, as the last price update for 01N060643=FINR was on 5-Apr-19.What would be most interesting is to compare the price you see in Trace Viewer to the price in a Quote app in Eikon. When you look at the price in Trace Viewer, the leftmost column with the column header "QUOTE" contains a link that opens a Quote app populated with the RIC for the issue you're watching in the Trace Viewer. What price do you see in the Quote app? How does it compare to the price in Trace Viewer and to the price returned by Eikon Data API? A screenshot of the price in Trace Viewer, in Quote app and as returned by Eikon Data APIs would be most helpful.
@gabriel.esquivel01Would you mind elaborating? What are the exact symptoms of the issue and how do you experience them? If I were to try and reproduce it on my end, what steps would I need to take?
Hi @Alex Putkov.1 Thanks for answering.
Ok, is very straightforward. I am extracting prices from two sources. Trace viewer and trade web, trade web is good, the issue is trace viewer.
This is what I am doing:
Create a date frame using ek.get_data
Then, I use the following criteria:
** the data is base in FINR cusips, like 01N060643=FINR
The main issue is that I have a almost 1 day delay, so the data is good but is not the latest prices
For this call Eikon Data APIs should return the same data you see in a Quote app in Eikon. Are you saying you see discrepancies between the data displayed in a Quote app and the data returned by Eikon Data APIs? Can you provide a specific example of the discrepancy? Or are you saying that you see discrepancy between the Quote app and Trace Viewer in Eikon? In the latter case the issue has nothing to do with using Eikon Data APIs, right?
Correct, there are discrepancies among prices.
Python: Image : Python – Line 10
Trace viewer: Image: Trace Viewer -Last trade
***There are two different prices for one CUSIP, is veryrare
Hello @gabriel.esquivel01 and @Alex Putkov.1,
Let me venture a guess.
I get_data on "01N060643=FINR" via Python Eikon Data API, looks as expected.
I am not very good with Trace Viewer, so not able to call up this bond by Ticker.
In Trace Viewer, however, I see a big orange splash runner, that says:
" you are currently not entitled to view ... in realtime, instead you are viewing a 4 hour delayed feed"
Is it possible that @gabriel.esquivel01 is also viewing 4 hour delayed, not being entitled to realtime Trace Viewer?
Permission Problem You need the session.valid permission to do that.