we have developed a .NET based application written in C# to contribute RICS based data to Refnitiv servers. This application is using the Reuters MarketLink IP protocol, more precisely the API called "Marketfeed over TCP/IP" (MFOT). Our software is successfully running since several years at major financial institutions in Europe. As Marketlink is to be discontinued later this year, we were asked now to replace this with Refinitiv Contributions Channel.
I was not successful until now to detect some tutorials or sample code how to implement such an application with .NET/C#. I was advised by to ask my questions here in this forum, so here I am.
So can anybody here please be so kind and teil me where to look for C# sample code, tutorials etc. for contributing via RCC. Since our current MFOT implementation is based on direct TCP connections to Refinitiv Servers, we would clearly favour implementing such a direct access.
Thanks a lot in advance!