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I am using EMA Core Real-Time-SDK-2.2.0.L1.csharp version, intermittently i am facing memory leakage issue. In one of the forum I see RTSDK 2.2.0.G1 has fixed the issue, but looks like it still persists.

I am using EMA Core Real-Time-SDK-2.2.0.L1.csharp version, intermittently i am facing memory leakage issue. In one of the forum I see RTSDK 2.2.0.G1 has fixed the issue, but looks like it still persists.

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Hello @harish.lalwani,

Memory leaks can happen for variety of reasons - including the bugs in the SDK or in the user code.

For the development team to investigate and fix it, the issue will have to be reproducible. Are you able to recreate this leak using one of the EMA examples?

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Hi @Gurpreet ,

I have not tried replicating this issue using EMA examples, with my code as well, this is happening intermittently over a period of 3 to 5 days. I am hosting my application as Azure Function.

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Thanks for the additional info @harish.lalwani. I am not familiar with Azure functions, but it could also be a certain way in which these functions persist or get triggered which might be causing the leak.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.