A few customers have asked recently on the best way to configure Salesforce so that it can send emails to a user/queue/distribution list when there are cases that have matches requiring review.
A word of warning, no one likes unsolicited email spam so if you think you are going to be dealing with high volumes of matches requiring action then it would be best to summarize them into one email where possible.
Option 1: Leverage Salesforce scheduled dashboard features.
Build a dashboard that contains the Case information you want. Top tip use the Screening Case object AND the Screening Case Audit Event object here as combined they can give you quite granular information.
Schedule the dashboard at a convenient time and define the recipient list. You will only get one daily email here so this may not meet your requirements if your business process requires that screening cases have more immediate attention.
Note: Salesforce requires specific permissions in order to be able to schedule a dashboard find out more here.
The field Action Required on the screening case object = TRUE is useful here. This field is set to TRUE when ever there are new matches that are 'unresolved' or any existing matches are updated by the Ongoing Monitoring process. You can pull in extra information from the case (see highlight) to make the email more meaningful.
Option 2: Build an email Flow from the Screening Case Audit Event object.
The audit event object keeps a history of the events that have happened in World-Check One for the Screening Case. There are two event types of interest
Both of these event types have fields that track Number of new matches found and the Number of review required and Number of autoresolved results.
If you are looking for new matches that haven't been auto resolved you can create a formula for comparing the difference between Number of new matches found. E.g.
Value(tr_wc1__Number_of_new_matches_found__c) - Value(tr_wc1__Number_of_autoresolved_results__c)
Just be aware that the number of auto resolved results could be greater than number of new matches found resulting in a negative number. E.g if a record is updated and now has additional secondary identification information added, the Ongoing Monitoring process may take an existing unresolved match and resolve it. The exact behavior does depend on your settings in World-Check.
Another tip would be to delay an action by 5 minutes using a Schedule Path. This is as two updates happen in quick succession to populate the full data, and you would only want the action to trigger after all updates are complete.
Option 3: Avoid emails all together and work from list views and/or dashboards
List views and dashboards are a great way to manage your to do list. If your team need help prioritising the workload then try creating customised list views in the screening case object e.g. [High priority - Unresolved Sanctions]. Clone the out of the box view "Cases needing action"
You can include fields like number of Sanctions Matches etc. Just remember there are two 'Sanctions' fields. One represents Unresolved and the other represents positive matches 😉.