We are migrating to Elektron Machine Readable News (MRN) from NewsFeedDirect. we find there are a few stories in the NewsFeedDirect, but not in
Elektron(MRN). for e.g. this morning,
<Header><Info><Id>20180312-042649000-nL3N1QU1WS-1-2</Id><TimeStamp>2018-03-12T04:26:49.611Z</TimeStamp></Info></Header> this guid key
"L3N1QU1WS" never appeared in Elektron news. Could you explain why the news is missing?
If you think Elektron did not miss this story, please indicate the news that contains such guid key (the long version of guid L3N1QU1WS__180312......) and timestamp.
Here is my Elektron config