Hi, I would like to know how can I obtain all the constituents inside a Chain RIC, such as 0#EURABAEZ=R, with C#. I didn't find so much information about how to deal with it on Internet. Thanks.
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In both cases, it appears you don't have sufficient permissions to access these services within RDP. I would follow up with your account manager to discuss what you are interested in doing so they can help you get access. As I mentioned in my previous answer, I'm getting back a "Data Source Temporarily Unavailable" so even if you were granted priveledges for the RDP Chain service, it would likely give you the same result - you can follow up with your account manager to confirm.
However, the 2nd example uses streaming services within the RDP, i.e. Refinitiv Real-Time -- Optimized. If you request access to this service and tell them the data you wish to access, they can help.
When I tried it now using the Chain ("0#EURABAEZ=R"), I get this back:
The chain data is contained in the longlink fields in the message. This EMA article describes chain decoding in detail. The same is applicable to the Refinitiv Real Time Optimized feed - aka RDP streaming.
Here is another article about decoding chains in C# which is directly applicable to your use case.
Thanks for the response. Could you tell me what is the difference between following what the article says and appliying the following command with RDP?:
IChainResponse response = Chains.Definition("0#EURABAEZ=R").GetData();
Thanks a lot.
The command:
Retrieves chain constituents from the RDP Chain endpoint. I just tried this service endpoint and I believe it is offline, i.e. "Data Source Temporarily Unavailable".
This specific endpoint is simply a convenient service the subscribes to chains via streaming services. The article provides the underlying details how the data is packaged within the streaming services and an example of how to retrieve it using EMA.
You also have the option of using the streaming chain API, i.e.
var stream = StreamingChains.Definition(".AV.O").Streaming(false); stream.Open();
Refer to the example within the Refinitiv NuGet Package.
Hi @nick.zincone,
Since I am not familiarized with Websocket API, I find it quite difficult to understand the example code of the article and to apply it to my use case.
Therefore, I would rather obtain the constituents RICs of the chain through Refinitiv.DataPlatform library. However, when I try to apply the commands in "2.2.05-Pricing-SnapshotChain" and "2.2.06-Pricing-StreamingChain" I get the following errors:
Using Chains.Definition("0#EURABAEZ=R").GetData() :
Using StreamingChains.Definition(".AV.O").Streaming(false) :Do you know how can I solve them?
Permission Problem You need the session.valid permission to do that.