I am trying to set up permission data as per X_PE, Service Name but still getting A29: Post message did not contain permission data.
I am trying to set up permission data as per X_PE, Service Name but still getting A29: Post message did not contain permission data.
There are two posting examples (off-stream and on-stream postings) in the EMA package and there are articles on the Refinitiv Developer portal regarding posting to ATS.
However, those examples don't set the permission data. There is a DACS LOCK sample in the EMA developer guide.
Sorry for the issue you are facing, let me see if I can help you in resolving this.
I found this error in the ADS installation guide.
According to this information, the permission data is in the post message header, not X_PE.
You can set it with the permissionData method.
You can refer to the EMA developer guide in the package regarding how to create a DACSLOCK for Publishing Permission Data.
I hope this will help.
I am using consumer application to publish the data. May i know if there is any other example for that.
I believe I require : com.refinitiv.eta.dacs.*; but I don't see this package in eta-3.6.0..0 jar
import com.refinitiv.eta.codec.*; import com.refinitiv.eta.rdm.*; import com.refinitiv.eta.transport.*; import com.refinitiv.eta.valueadd.*;
May I know way to use in eta-3.6 or do I need to upgrade. Please advise from where can I download latest version?
It is in jdacsEtalib.jar. The jar file is in the RTSDK-2.0.6.L1.java.rrg\RTSDK-BinaryPack\Java\Eta\Lib directory.