I'd like to know how I can check the connectivity status with the refinitiv.data Python API (through the platform deployed connection)?
Can I also set timeout with call like this?
Thank you for your help.
Hi @fabien.marcaillou
You can check the EX-4.01.01-Sessions.ipynb example in Example.DataLibrary.Python/Examples /4-Session/ GitHub repository.
Example Code:
session = rd.session.platform.Definition( app_key = APP_KEY, deployed_platform_host = 'localhost', deployed_platform_username = '<My DACS Username>').get_session()session.open()print(session.open_state) #OpenState.Opened
Result when testing with my local RTDS server:
I hope this information helps.
Thank you for your suggestion, I already tried it but it's not giving a reliable state.
For testing purpose i've closed my proxy (to be disconnected from the ATS) however it still giving me an "Opened" state.
Do you have an alternative solution?
Hello @fabien.marcaillou
Thank you for the information. Does your deployment scenario look like the following diagram?
If so, please be informed that the library can detect a connection status with its upstream (ADS) only, not the source/feed like ATS, ADH, or other OMM IProviders.
As long as a connection between the library and ADS is still fine, the session.open_state code always returns "Opened".